Veera Raghava Charyulu

(Researcher in Astrology)

10th house lord placed in 4th house -astrovrc

10th house:
Tenth house in a horoscope shows ones profession.. tenth house also signifies ur authority in the society. father, house of karma, work, authoritativ  figures, celabraties , business are the significators of 10th house.. Saturn is the karaka for the karma. bcz saturn owns 10th house Capricorn in natural kundali. career of someone can be predicted through 10th house placed planet and planets ascepting  the 10th house..

4th house:
Fourth house is house of of happiness, peace mind,home land,emotions,home environment,vehicles,motherly nature, nurturing etc are the significators of the fourth house..moon is the natural ruler of 4th house being the ruler of cancer zodiac sign..moon represents mother whenever we want to see about mother then the 4th house is the primary house to consider..

10th lord in 4th house…

When the tenth house energy connected to 4th house it means persons work environment will be work from home..person may deal with vehicles or mother have great impact on persons career..person may be a astrologer or lawyer that means clients come to his home…person may be a counsler bcz he will preach about peace of this case all the 10th house significances come in to 4th house.. person may be a teacher.  i will explain the logic behind this.. fourth house zodiac sign is cancer means motherly nature so Jupiter is exalted in person may run educational institution in home or he may work from home in educational fields.. if a person having this combination he may not go outside for his career…it is a good combination in this modern days…

One example of 10th house lord in 4th house I will discussion here.. for Gemini ascendent Jupiter is the 10th house lord. if jupiter placed in the 4th house of Virgo.. he may be a astrologer bcz Jupiter is the guidence..he may be a share market analyst.. working from home he is analysis the charts bcz Virgo is the sign of analysis…I just briefly explained about the 10 in 4..other conjunctions, combination, nakshatra, dasha etc…will take place to make a exact prediction.

Conclusion in a quote:
Karma sthana will be gruha sthana ..means working environment will be home .

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