Veera Raghava Charyulu

(Researcher in Astrology)

gemini moon sign people career and charchterstics-astro vrc

Gemini moon sign characteristics:

Gemini is a airy sign means it’s element is air. the nature of the air is to move from one place to another without any predictable direction. likewise Gemini people’s thoughts also not in a organised is blessing n also disguise at a same time.

gemini moon sign careers

Gemini is a dual sign .

It means Gemini people have two minds. moon is mind ,Gemini is dual that’s why they have two minds…in every situation they have two thoughts inside like two persons bcz Gemini is twins..Gemini people have dual nature mainly in the relationship matters. Gemini people have multiple skills that’s why these people suffer to take a right decision in selecting a right career. Gemini people always need a right guru to guide them throughout the life bcz with their dual nature they can’t able to come into a right decision. gemini natives can able to see the two sides of a coin very clearly that’s why they are good analysts in any topic..

Gemini moon sign ruled by Mercury:

Mercury is the main domain of intelligence, calculation, astrology, analysis etc…all Mercury significance can apply to Gemini people being the lord of the moon sign.. let’s see all the good qualities that are applicable to Gemini moon sign..

1 Gemini moon sign people are very intelligent. they can grasp the things very quickly

2 these people like to travel across the different places bcz  Mercury is a fast moving planet. any movement from one place to another is a Mercury domain. these people love to move all the time

3 these people do multi tasking very well.. I will explain the logic behind this. they have dual mind that’s why they use their asset in multi tasking..

4 Gemini moon sign people love to send messages (chating) rather than speaking

5 Gemini people love to talk always.. these people always talk n gossip about others bcz Mercury is the domain of communication

Gemini moon sign suitable careers :

1 anything related to communication is the best career choice for Gemini people ex: information technology is one of the best choice..

2 share market analyst is the best choice bcz share market analysis needs lot of decoding the charts

3 travelling business also good for Gemini people bcz moving from one direction to another direction

4 writing is the top notch profession for Gemini people bcz it needs pen movement n also lot of thoughts need to integrate within the career

5 lawyer is another good profession for Gemini people bcz lawyer need to argue with intelligence n perfect logic.. these people deserve this bcz of the Mercury moon sign

6 marketing also great career choice for these people. bcz marketing needs lot of communication

7 Mercury is the domain of the mathematics n calculation that’s why chartered accountants also suitable profession of Gemini people

8 astrology also good career choice for Gemini moon sign people

9 book writing, book selling also a good option

10 preaching ,teaching , messenger, tele caller also a good choice for Gemini people.

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