Veera Raghava Charyulu

(Researcher in Astrology)

Research knowledge about houses in astrology- secret key knwoledge in astrology

whole astrology depends upon the system of houses. Total 12 houses in astrology.these are the imaginary houses created by the ancient sages.but it works like wonder .every aspect of life is depending upon these houses.for example if a person wants to buy a vehicle or house so his fourth house should activate at the time of buying.. else he cant able to buy the property or vehicle.

lets discuss about the another scenario in this house buying the time of buying the property if his third house activating then the matter of property n vehicles will not manifest for houses are very important interms of predicting we can discuss about each house n its significance…


in vedic prashna chart n kp horary prashna chart these house plays a keyrole in predicting a event.everything depends upon the houses bcz house also called bhav.bhav means feeling.if a person desires for a job.inthis situation his 6th house should be activated else he didnt get the job.this is the basic introduction of the houses.lets discuss about each n every house significance in astrology.


first house

first house means body ,mind n soul.simply first house means you n yourself.stamina,mental ability,starting..etc..

second house

second house ruled by the sign tarus its lord is venus.seound house represents money,bank balance,flow of money,food,drinks,food habits,drugs,medicines,eating habits..etc…second house is also called maraka house.means deatch inflicting modern times we can assume it as death like situations.this is also called house of speech…planet in 2nd house defines our way of speech.if sun occupies 2nd house he speaks with authority.if moon places in second house he talk to others like a mother.if mars placed here he speaks directly without any diplomatic nature….likethat we can interpate the situations.if rahu placed here he may speak lies.2nd house rahu try to make money in anyway in somecases he went into illegal path for money earning..

third house:third house is ruled by the sign of gemini its lord is mercury.third house rules with the all sorts of communication.written communication, verbal communication ,any work done with hand ,short distance travel,sibilings,messages,communication,telecom,internet,will power,skill,hands,chest,mobiles are the karakatwas of third house

fourth  house:fourth house is ruled by the sign of cancer its lord it moon.moon is also karaktwa of mother.cancer sign is also ruler of mothery nature.fourth house represents mother,propertys,vehicles,houses,comforts,happiness,peace of mind,lands,bed,chair,caring,home aplliances are the karaktwas of fourth house.

fifth house: fifth house mainly rules with the child n primary education,child birth,creativity,hobbies,intelligence,writing,cinema,betting,speculation,easy money,healing,cure from the disease,free from the debts are the domain of fifth house.

sixth house: sixth house rules over enemies,prarabdha karma,daily activities,opponets,all sort of problems,health problems,diseases are the domain of sixth house.sixth house is one of the dusthana house.winning a court case,winning in competetion are calculated from the sixth is the primary house of service or must have sixth house connection in theri horoscope to do job.otherwise the person will not work under anybody.service oriented business also ruled by the sixth house.separation from the spouse is also indicated by this house.whenever the sixth house acitvates then the spouse life gets into troubles n also arguements n disputees happen within the couples sometimes it leads to divorce also.divorce question also seen from this house.


seventh house:in modern times seventh house is considered mainly for marriage n partnersips seventh is also the house of maraka but it is the primary house for business.saturn gets digbala in seventh house because saturn deals with others very diplamaticly.why bcz saturn is old n mature planet.if rahu is placed in the seventh house its better do buiness himself raterthan involving in partnerships..seventh house is the house of spouse.spouse nature n fortune will determine form the seventh house.jupiter,venus,moon,mercury is in the seventh house then it is very auspicious for business dealings.the logic behind this is shubh graha in others house.mens u will behave very good with other the person will talk very pleasantly with others.if any malefic in the seventh house then the person behave with arrogance or rude nature then the business will collapse.lot of other factors also depending to judge accurately.but it will come true in most of the cases…


eighth house:house of birth n rebirth

eighth house is very mysterious in enitre twelve houses.eighth house also define as death.sudden ups ,sudden downs,astrology,secrets,occult,research,jackpot,lottery,transformation,huge changes,scandals,secret camera,spy,tension,greed,hidden disease,hidden enemeies,accidents,surgery all are the significators for the eighth house.scorpio is the sign of eighth house.once secret life n sex life can be seen from the eighth house.if saturn placed in the eighth house then such a person is extremly capable of giving accurate astrology predictions.saturn in this house gives extreme psychological abilities these people can feel others mind n emotions.huge transformation can heppen when saturn transit in this eighth house from the lagna.saturn is very strict teaches who can give huge transformation apart from saturn the answer is no one.if rahu placed in eighth house then such a person may involve in illegal activities secretly.most psycho killers have their rahu in eighth house.sexual organs n sexual disease problems also seen from this house.its a moksha house..when a person face lot of struggles n transformation then the person searches for the liberation.this is the main agenda for the planets to teach us.

ninth house:house of dharma n fortune

ninth house is defined as upadesha sthan in olden days.bcz in olden days upadesha will given by father only thats why it is also considered as house of father.ninth house also considered as house of dharma,religion,fortune,higher education,philosphy,knowledge,future thinking,forcasting,luck are the main significators.when jupiter placed in this ninth house then the person became more lucky n prosporous.ninth house jupiter gives great divine blessings to the native.ninth rahu produce athiest like osho.ninth house rahu people thinks different they avoid culture.ninth house ketu produce spiritual persons.ninth house venus blesses  great fortune to the native.if 9th lord places in 8th house then the person devoid of luck bcz he didnt follow dharma in his past life so he will face lot of struggles in the matter of education,father,luck factors.there is no remedy for ninth house is also considered as pitru  sthan.if the person didnt do pitru tarpanas then the native didnt get child or faces lot of difficulities with the entire horosope ninth house conisdered as a very good house bcz it is a bhagya house.


Tenth house:the house of father n authority n career:

tenth house is the primary house for career it may be job or business. career is the main aspect of life to get authority in this material plane. tenth house is called as house of karma. karma means work. what kind of work u do in this life can be determind from the tenth house. when u dont do ur work according to ur karma u may face severe obstacles in career area. some people get into their destined karma without knowing anything. but most people faces severe problems in the area of career .some people get earlier success some other are late of the main cause for authority n success is planet sun .sun gets directional strength in tenth house.

accordingly he looses directional strength in fourth house. if a person have fourth house sun he gets the success n authority after the age of thirty two .any house activation in real life can be seen from some specific areas of life.i would like to share something very intresting experience with you .if father get ill health then ur career in some trouble. if father gets hospitilized then u may loss ur job… bcz 12th from the 10th is 9th house.. when father goes into hospitilization ur 9th house is activated. what is ninth house in the chart ninth house is negation to 10th house of things happen according to house activation


eleventh house:friends and fullfillment

in every prediction eleventh house is very important bcz it is the house of fullfillment of desire.friends circle,income sources,gain from mncs,large organizations are the key factors of eleventh house.when the eleventh lord is afflicted or conjoined with malefics like rahu or ketu one may get cheating friends.if the eleventh lord gets benefic assosiation then the persons get good benefit n affection from the friends.any planet in the eleventh house gives good result.if more planets in the eleventh house indicates huge wealth n celabraty status.if u have 11th house planets it indicates 12th for the multi national if we have eleventh house planets then there is a great chance to earn foreign wealth

twelvth house:spirituality,isolation

twelveth house is considered as a primary moksha is the ending of all the houses.thats why it is called as house of libration.twelvth house represents isolation,jails,losses n disappointments it is also one of the dusthana houses.whenever the twelvth house in to activation the person may goto jail ,hospitals,isolated places..twelvth house is the primary karaka for the spirituality.jupiter aspect or assosiation in the twelveth house gives good scripture knowledge.losses in share market or losses in business or lot of expenses denoted by this house.rahu in this house creates lot of expenses to the native.twelvth house represents subconsious mind so sleep,dreams comes under this also comes under twelvth house.if the person twelvth house in good position then the person gets the benefit from the investments.malefic planets places in the house gives distrubed sleep n creepy is also the house of intuition.

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