Veera Raghava Charyulu

(Researcher in Astrology)

uses of astrology 100% how astrology really changes ur destiny

How astrology helps to human beings?.is astrology really works? Is astrology changes destiny? If not changes destiny what is the use..these all are the questions rotating in our mind while we think or listen about astrology.lets break all the myths about the use of astrology….

Astrology is the eye of Vedas as given by the sages… astrology is the eye to see the future past n Vedic terms it’s called trikal..lord shiva is trikal he knows everything about you ..everybody knows that lord shiva has three eyes.. real intention  of his three eyes is trikal..

Astrological chart is the representation of our prarabdha reading our prarabdha we come to know our mistakes in past life’s.then there is a possibility to resolve n learn by our own mistakes..that’s way astrology is called self realisation subject..the primary use of astrology is realising the self.. realising the self directly related to God realisation.some persons have severe prarabdha karma in that case it is very difficult for the person to cross the prarabdha..that’s way our sages given some amazing solutions..let’s discuss each n everything in a detail manner in the view of astrology uses..

1.prashna sastra is a very good ,depth n usefull for human kind..there is kp horary,parashari, transit prashna etc…but kp horary prashna is very authentic…..will I get this job? Is this marriage happen? Will I get own house? This person will comeback ? Can I heal from disease? Can I clear my debts? How will be my relationship?…etc can be easily answered by learned kp astrologer…if astrologer clears ur queries u came to normal stage…bcz lot of thoughts will stops due to revealing the prashna…99% of the questions will answered accurately..sometimes morethan that percentage..that one percent prashna fails bcz the querier didn’t have perfect emotion..

If ur bad karma is severe u can’t get the right career .u feels all career options was blocked or u may change different fields but u can’t get the right such a scenario by analysing ur dominant planet 10th house,d10,d2 chart astrologer can give you a clear direction…so u will get success in that path …this is another excellent use of astrology…….

In this Kali Yuga the influence of rahu is very in this modern times most people try for easy money from cheating, gambling,theft etc..share market is also the domain of rahu bcz here people gain money very quickly and became beggers also that is another story…let’s discuss about share market astrology.. somany people came to share market with their hard earned money but they lost all their money..share market statistics also saying the 90% of the trader lost their money within 3 months…why this is happening..there is a astrology perceptive behind this…if anybody wants share market money..their chart should be supported in this matter..5th lord of speculation.8th house of sudden gain 2nd house of money 11th house of income,9th house of fortune should be strong…apart from this the person moon should be strong bcz it is the matter of emotions… Mercury should be strong bcz his intelligence need to support..Venus should be strong bcz it is the matter of finance..his Jupiter should be strong bcz the planet of luck, knowledge n planning,rahu should be in favourable position bcz rahu is the karaka for sudden events…and also the person undergoing rahu mahadasa is get most benefit from share market..otherthan rahu mahadasa his running mahadasa should be good..if all these factors satisfied then that person will get continuous income from sharemarket…without knowing this fact lot of persons lossing money..but by consulting expert astrologer the person can devoid of losses…this is another use of astrology

Some persons don’t get their own child .it’s bcz their past deeds’s bcz the planet ketu..these persons behave something wrong with their kids or other peoples kids ..that’s why ketu denied the results…in this case adopting a orphan child is the best remedy according to astrology…this is another use of astrology

Some people have high desires to become a became a millionaire or billionaire but their chart didn’t support for their materialistic such a case astrologer will council the real situations..intially it may hurt the person but after sometime the person will get the realistic goals thereby he will lead happy life….

Some persons continuously suffer with relationships..for an example 11th lord with ketu in enemity sign..then his friends n circle will turn as his by knowing before we can take proactive decisions…if moon with ketu in 6th ,8th or 12th house combing with fourth house n other factors the relationship with mother will be very such a case staying away from the mother is the best remedy …using creative intelligence we can change our destiny…

Some people suffer with undiagnosed health problems…one of the astrological cause is ketu conjunction with 6th lord..some persons didn’t get the good benefit from medications bcz their 6th lord is in association with the malefic planet in a bad house…so in this case donating the gem of the 6th house lord is beneficial (karmavipaka sastra)..doing japa,homa to 6th lord gives immense benefit..

In the matter of luck bagya..9th house is the house of luck in astrology..if 9th house is afflicted there is no remedy.if sun is afflicted there is no remedy for it..why the ninth house is afflicted in a chart ? Bcz of the improper dharmic behaviour in past life’s …but in this case we can do something for the sanchith and agami karmas..listening puranas n behaving according to the dharma is the solution…

Some people face financial problems in their life..whatever they change everything will be the same ..bcz they don’t know the root cause of the issue the matter of finance Venus is the key planet..Venus is pure feminine planet..who abuse woman in past life n in this life definately they will suffer with financial n luxuries issues…wife is the direct representation of make ur wife happy for finance not only finance it is ur dharma also..second house in the chart is for wealth matters…second house direct representation Is speech n bad habits through mouth…so don’t make anyone sad by ur words n quit addictions..that will boost ur finance matters…

I discussed some uses of astrology…in real time scenario there is alot uses …in next article I will give you some more interesting insights on astrology…

Arunachal Shiva…

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